Monday, August 9, 2010

On The Hows And Whys Of Judicial Tyranny

From The Truth Of Things:

The How & Why of “Judicial Tyranny”

Posted by Nick Ryker on August 9, 2010

In its ugly, literally sick & perverse way, this piece shows the fundamental EVIL of Liberalism: “The Foundation” of both human life for each individual & for human society in general is “RIGHTS.”

What once prescribed & proscribed (made regular, ”regulated”) human behavior, such as morality, family, custom, culture (one’s church, schools, the neighborhood of living, connected people who were part of each others’ lives, etc.), has now been COMPLETELY REPLACED by “RIGHTS.”

The all-critical factor here is: Establishing in a “reasonable” way that one has “a right” to something, or should have, and the rest is a “piece of cake.”

The key to the “reasonable way” is the same old Demon that haunted Ancient Athens: “Sophistry.” Make something “sound good,” “sound right,” and what “right” do you have to oppose it? Clever, perverted “argument” is the key that unlocks ALL doors – even takes a jack-hammer to what were once “solid walls.”

Once The Foundation of ALL Humanity & Culture is TRASHED, what basis is there for “opposing Rules?” Basically The Enlightenment, especially as Descartes, Hume, Kant and their “children,” Darwin, Freud and ESP. Karl Marx, ALL BUT COMPLETELY DEBASED & INVALIDATED THE ABSOLUTELY FUNDAMENTAL, ALL-VALUABLE “TOOL” OF (WESTERN) CIVILIZATION – Faith IN God & Religion. “Higher Criticism” (Graf – Wellhausen & Co.) then “trashed” Holy Scripture, basically completing the fatal attack on ‘Foundations.’

But who can argue NOW with “It seems like to me that … “, or “That may be ‘true’ for you, BUT NOT FOR ME,” esp. with The Foundations DESTROYED?

No one.

There are NO “Standards,” ALL you can be “sure of” is “what it seems like TO ME/TO YOU” – BUT THAT IS EQUALLY “VALID” FOR EVERYONE.

So especially IF you can make a “reasonable argument” FOR something, what “right” do you have, CAN you have, for opposing what sounds “reasonable” to and for someone else? YOU DON’T & YOU CAN’T.

Completely Selfish, Self-Serving ISOLATED “Autonomy” IS “FIRMLY” ESTABLISHED.

That is The Fundamental Power of The Courts – get someone “in Authority” to validate YOUR “argument,” AND YOU NOW HAVE A “RIGHT” TO/FOR SOMETHING. ANYTHING.

The Key: The Courts have the all-powerful “authority” to say WHAT WORDS MEAN, ESPECIALLY IN ANY ARGUMENT. If The Court sides with you, and esp. IF no “Higher Court” invalidates the Lower, YOU’RE IN.

The ALL-NECESSARY “Foundation” for Liberalism is the denial of Reality and the inability to hold & maintain what is True, or should be, except for those “socially recognized” as “BEING IN AUTHORITY.” In other words, FORCE, AUTHORITY, with all their long-recognized FATAL faults, held in place ONLY by … you guessed it: AUTHORITY & FORCE. In other words, VIOLENCE AND THE CAPABILITY OF VIOLENCE.

This will continue until we remember the ultimate foundation of ALL American Politics, AND ENFORCE IT – THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE – US.

Destroying the underlying culture and the Race that founded & developed it can now be seen for what it is: DESTROYING THE UNITY & UNANIMITY OF ‘COMMON CULTURE,’ especially as Common Beliefs and Common Ideas of Right & Wrong. This undermines, perhaps DESTROYS, the one last effective source of social opposition to Liberalism: The (no longer) Common Will of The People. They, & “it,” no longer exist.

What to DO?

As E. Christian Kopff, speaking with & through Julius Evola, writes:

“We are linked to the past by Tradition and when the Dark Age comes to an end, Tradition will light the way to new greatness and accomplishment. We may live to see that day. If not, what will survive is the legionary spirit Evola described in Orientamenti:

‘It is the attitude of a man who can choose the hardest road, fight even when he knows that the battle is materially lost and live up to the words of the ancient saga, ‘Loyalty is stronger than fire!’ Through him the traditional idea is asserted, that it is the sense of honor and of shame – not halfway measures drawn from middle class moralities – that creates a substantial, existential difference among beings, almost as great as between one race and another race. If anything positive can be accomplished today or tomorrow, it will not come from the skills of agitators and politicians, but from the natural prestige of men both of yesterday but also, and more so, from the new generation, who recognize what they can achieve and so vouch for their idea.’

This is the ideal of Oswald Spengler’s Roman soldier, who died at this post at Pompeii as the sky fell on him, because he had not been relieved. We do not need programs and marketing strategies, but men like that. “It is men, provided they are really men, who make and unmake history.”

Evola’s ideal continues to speak to the right man. “Keep your eye on just one thing: to remain on your feet in a world of ruins.””


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