Saturday, December 18, 2010

Activists Suing McDonald's Over Happy Meal Toys

From The American Thinker:

December 17, 2010

Activists suing McDonald's over Happy Meal toys

Rick Moran

The Center for Science in the Public Interest is suing McDonalds, demanding that it take its toys out of Happy Meals.

The reasoning? I'd tell you that you wouldn't believe it but I know that nothing surprises most of you when it comes to sheer left wing lunacy:

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy group, claims it violates California law for the hamburger chain to make its meals too appealing to kids, thus launching them on a lifelong course to overeating and other health horrors. It's representing an allegedly typical mother of two from Sacramento named Monet Parham. What's Parham's (so to speak) beef? "Because of McDonald's marketing, [her daughter] Maya has frequently pestered Parham into purchasing Happy Meals, thereby spending money on a product she would not otherwise have purchased."

You're probably wondering: How is this grounds for a lawsuit? No one forced Parham to take her daughters to McDonald's, buy them that particular menu item, and sit by as they ate every last French fry in the bag (if they did).

No, she's suing because when she said no, her kids became disagreeable and "pouted" - for which she wants class action status. If she gets it, McDonald's isn't the only company that should worry. Other kids pout because parents won't get them 800-piece Lego sets, Madame Alexander dolls and Disney World vacations. Are those companies going to be liable too?

No. Words.

Megan McArdle informs us of the plaintiff's background:

Monet Parham, by the way, seems to be an activist employed by the California government to advocate the ingestion of vegetables, though some pains seem to have been taken to obscure this connection. Our founding fathers are no doubt spinning in their graves fast enough to provide cheap, clean, renewable power to the entire Atlantic seaboard.

What right do these galoots have to interfere so intimately in the parent-child relationship? They're smarter than us, of course. We're too dumb to know what's best for our children so they have to turn the world upside down and force us to do the right thing by our kids - by their light.

If Mrs. Parham wants to abdicate her responsibilities as a parent, then her kids should be taken from her immediately. If you're too stupid to say "no" to your kids then you're too stupid to raise them. And if you don't like the fact that they "pout" then give the kids up for adoption because you are unfit as a parent - and probably destructive of your child's development into a normal human being.

Worse than sex abuse or physical abuse, these poor kids have suffered psychological abuse at the hands of this nutcase. Children need limits and boundaries. They don't like them - no child does. They are apt to scream, pout, cry, throw a tantrum if they don't get what they want. It scores the heart of most parents to see kids do this but they are comforted by the fact that they know they are doing right.

Any parent that doesn't realize this is stunting their child's development.

Posted at 12:05 AM

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