Friday, December 17, 2010

Americans Disagree With Michelle Obama's Forced Food Act

From The American Thinker:

December 18, 2010

Americans disagree with Michelle's forced food act

Ethel C. Fenig

The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act that Michelle Obama just force fed on her husband and the American public isn't going over too well with the latter population according to a Rasmussen poll.

[The] $4.6 billion law allows the USDA to set nutritional standards for foods made and sold in schools; increases the number of children who qualify for school meal programs, and "sets basic standards for school wellness policies including goals for nutrition promotion and education and physical activity."

More than 77% disagreed with the law while

only 23 percent of those surveyed think the federal government should have a direct role in setting the nutritional standards for public schools.


While recent polls show that Americans are concerned about issues of obesity in the country, 51 percent failed to see the threat to national security.

Who should control what kids eat? Oh what a surprise--parents.

34 percent of respondents thought that parents should have the ultimate say in their child's nutritional diet. Seventeen percent believed state and local governments know best when setting such standards.

Posted at 12:05 AM

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